Starting Again

I haven't been able to regain access to my old blog,, so I'm just going to create a new one.  I am not making any promises of regular posting, just when I get time or a topic of discussion comes up that I want to share information about.

I would like to create posts that inspire others to experiment with radio, maybe that is eSSB, portable operations, mobile HF...who knows.  That is the wonder of the hobbie, it can take you many directions.

Solar powered portable from my wall tent is one of the most enjoyable ways to operate, but I find I love eSSB from the home QTH.  When I am not on 3.630 I am usually running around 20m working POTA.  I have almost got all 50 states on 20m phone just working POTA stations.  This has been done with 100w on what I call a junk pile 1/4 wave vertical that my grandson(5) and I have built from scrap parts.  What fun!

That's it for now, more to come in the future and hope to hear you on the air.

David, WD9N


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