Rebuilding an FM Broadcast Station

I thought I would share a little project that I was just involved with. I have several photos of the progression of moving a broadcast station from the basement of an aging house into a new building on the same site. The old house that used to house the studios and transmitters was getting in bad shape and the station owners decided it was time to make a move into a new building. We had to dismantle the station from its 15+yr home and extricate it from the basement. This is the BE FM 2C backup transmitter. I didn't get a photo of the FM 4C coming out. Below is the old "ice bridge ", if it can be called that, that carried the cables to the tower. You can see the new building and icebridge in the background. The antenna switch. Have you ever bolted the flanges of your feed lines together? That is rigid 50 ohm line from the transmitter to the switch. The 90 degree fitting going on the switch. The gray box behind the sw...