Sorry, but I have to have a bit of a rant.


I have been hearing way to many operators using horrible practices.  Just today(2-4-2024) I heard  WB8IZM on 20m.  Following is a clip from the spot history:


Just think about that frequency for a moment... 

Unless you contain all the energy output into 1.8Khz of passband, you are out of the amateur bands.  Now, I applaud this station for making way for the net, it is easier for a POTA activation to move and call on another frequency than an entire net to track down where the NCS moved to accommodate one POTA station.  They didn't have to move, but I think it is the courteous way to handle it.  But, moving to a frequency that will put calling stations out of band is not a good move.  The worst part of all, was the number of stations working WB8IZM out of band!  Sorry for singling you out, and don't think for a moment others haven't done the same thing.  I hope that was just a quickly corrected over site.

We must start using better practices.

Let's look at this scenario: 

A station in California is calling CQ POTA on let's say 14.330.  Now, another group in CA is in QSO on 14.332.  Those two are likely not hearing each other and would cause no QRM to the other stations, but if the hunters across the country start shouting call signs to the POTA station they WILL QRM the guys on 14.332.  So, guess what, you shouldn't be trying to work the CA POTA station from IL, IN, etc. if you are hearing the other QSO.  You would be the offending party with QRM.

As POTA has exploded in the last year or so, we must think of these scenarios and not cause problems on the air.  You and I do not want QRM like that from contests or any other operations, so why should we be the offending party just to work a park?

I have more thoughts, but not enough time to put them together here at the moment, I may update some more ideas later.

Enjoy and POTA on!






The wall tent in Shawnee NF

I have achieved my goal of working all states on 20m with the 1/4 wave ground mounted vertical and 100w! Not all the contacts have been POTA, but I'm still happy with it.

I did activate a local park once and had a good time, although it was from my mobile.  The next chance I get to camp in Shawnee National Forest in southern IL, I am going to activate there and try to radio for a weekend.

I got addicted when me and my grandson, 5yrs old at the time, built the junk pile 1/4 wave for 20m.  It was just too much fun working POTA with 100w on a ground mounted vertical.  

Activating the Great Smokey Mountain National park and Appalachian Trail.


During a family trip to East Tennessee, I got the chance to activate a 2fer on top a mountain.  What fun, short lived due to weather, but fun.


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