Playing with PSK31

 I finally installed FLDigi on the new computer and got to play around with some PSK31.  

For those who don't know it is a phase sift keyed digital mode.  Below are some screenshots of the FLDigi software and what the signal looks like on SmartSDR.


 I have always enjoyed the QSO's on PSK.  Many operators are rather short with a quick exchange of station info, operator info, and signal report.  Sometimes you will see ragchews in progress.  If you don't mind reading and typing everything, you might give it a try. It is easy to setup, especially on the Flex 6300 with DAX handling the audio in and out of the rig and computer.  I started PSK when it was rather new with older analog rigs.  I remember using an old Radioshack HTX-10 10m transceiver for 10m PSK back when the band was good.  If I only knew then, I would have logged all those contacts.  Thanks to LOTW now I keep rather good logs of most contacts, using N1MM+.  FLDigi ha a built in logbook, and can be interfaced to automatically upload to LOTW.
Click the "" link below for more information on PSK.  Some of the information is getting dated, but still is a very useful article for someone wanting to know more.
PSK31 was developed and named by English amateur radio operator Peter Martinez (G3PLX) and introduced to the amateur radio community in December 


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